vLife It Takes a Village logo

It Takes a Village Community Outreach and Advocacy is a non-profit that delivers support directly to those who need it most in HRM.

We’ve been helping the most marginalized in our community for years, using donations to provide much needed personal care, clothing and hygiene products to people in need. Plus backpacks with school supplies and food items for families, and even laptops seniors, in need.

We’re run by a dedicated board and team of volunteers determined to make our communities stronger by supporting those who need it most.

Want to find out more? Visit our website to connect, or get involved, with our community outreach and support resources!

Our Website

Opening Times

Find Us Here

Based Locally in
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Donations Welcome – Thank You!

EFT: ittakesavillagecoa@gmail.com

Cheques Mailed to:
It Takes A Village Community Outreach
and Advocacy, c/o Bridget Williams,
Mail Box PO Box 21060 Dartmouth
RPO Cole Harbour, NS B2W 6B2


Wigs for Cancer Patients in Need

We are thrilled to now be able to offer a wig for cancer patients in need in our community, with care and fitting help provided by Unity Wigs & Hair Services.

Our founder Bridget Williams (pictured) is a stage 4 cancer survivor and knows first hand the significant benefits a wig can provide for people undergoing cancer treatment. And we are determined that women from marginalized communities should get access.

Click the More Info button to connect.

Seniors Emergency Kits Fundraiser

We’re collecting donations to give emergency kits to our community seniors, as they’re particularly vulnerable during power outages.

To help keep them safe and warm while they weather the storms.

We’ll be distributing these much needed kits at Cole Harbour Place on March 30th from 10am-1pm.

And we’ll be giving out Covid Self-tests Kits as well!

If you’d like to send a monetary donation, we will purchase emergency kit essentials on your behalf.

Kindly send EFT donations to: ittakesavillagecoa@gmail.com

If you’d like to send a cheque, kindly mail to:

It Takes A Village Community Outreach and Advocacy
c/o Bridget Williams,
Mail Box PO Box 21060, Dartmouth
RPO Cole Harbour, NS B2W 6B2

Thanks in advance for your support!

If you’d like to get further involved with this, and/or any of our future community outreach initiatives, please click the Contact Us button to connect!

Community Support Fundraisers

We’ve run a variety of annual community support fundraisers in HRM over the years, including the following.

  • School supplies and winter clothes for children in need
  • Laptops and food baskets for Seniors in need
  • Christmas baskets for families in need

And more!

Click the More Info button to connect with our current community support fundraising events!

Computers for HRM Seniors in Need Fundraiser

We’ve been helping providing computers to seniors in need for the the past couple of years. To help them get & stay connected.

So far we’ve provided 60 seniors with laptops in HRM and we’re looking to provide more – with your support. And we’ve got a list of more seniors waiting to get connected!

If you would like to contribute, thank you! Please click the More Info button to find out more and contact us with your interest. Let’s see how many more Seniors we can help stay connected!

Community Support Resources

Looking for specific community support for an unmet need for you or your family?

Or perhaps looking to connect with organizations working to support marginalized communities in HRM?

Click the More Info button for a list of community resources and contact us with inquiries and we’ll do our best to connect you!


We’re incredibly grateful for the years of community donations of clothes, school supplies, hygiene products, laptops, food, Christmas basket items, and more.

And to those who provide money to purchase these items to give to individuals, children, and families in need in HRM.

It you’re able to give, thank-you!

EFT donations to: ittakesavillagecoa@gmail.com

Donation Cheques, kindly mailed to:
It Takes A Village Community Outreach and Advocacy
c/o Bridget Williams,
Mail Box PO Box 21060 Dartmouth
RPO Cole Harbour, NS B2W 6B2

Want to find out more? Click the Donate button to find out how your contributions can make the most impact.

Our Volunteers 

We are grateful for our volunteer team and board of directors, who all work together to maximize our community impact.

Want to help at our events or join our board? Great, thank-you! We value diversity in all forms and would appreciate you joining us.

You can click the Volunteer button to find out all of the different ways you can get involved!