SL Profile image Side Door Logo Square Black and White. Live Shows

Laura Simpson & Dan ManGan

Memorable live shows for diverse audiences in fresh spaces.

Our Side Door Access Platform is tailor-made for musicians, fans, and host supporters looking to connect easily and authentically.

Musician looking to engage more with current and new audiences?

Supporter with a unique space to host?

Fan looking for intimate live shows with talented local artists?

We’ve got you.

Our Platform

Opening Times

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Servicing Globally
From Halifax, NS


Upcoming Live Shows

We love music and musicians as much as you do.

So we always have a full roster of upcoming concerts in cool local venues for you to enjoy.

Click the Live Shows button to see them all and connect.

For Musicians 

Looking for safe, cost-effective, unique spaces to perform and connect with current and new audiences?

Need resources to help market your upcoming concerts?

We’re your solution for all that and to generic, clunky, traditional online event platforms.

Click the More Info button for full details and to connect.

For Hosts with Fresh Venues

You may be a local business with cool venue potential or a music-loving community member looking to open up your space for local artists and their fans.

Either way, our Side Door Platform does all of the heavy lifting in connecting you with musicians, sorting out ticketing, and more.

Click the More Info button for our full service details and to connect.