Top 5 Local Economy Growth Hacks through Buying Local

Small & Local Blog Top 5 Local Economy Growth Hacks thru Buying Local Featured Image

The local economy grows by supporting small businesses more than larger corporations. Why, you ask? Well, buying from small local businesses strengthens the local supply chain and retains more of […]

How to Support Local on your Vacation

Support local on holidays poster with car overloaded with luggage and travel items

Whether planning a staycation or travelling abroad, it’s worth supporting local businesses in the communities you travel to. Some local businesses may have unique and artisanal souvenirs, or traditional food […]

Sustainable Grocery Shopping: What You Can Do to Help

Sustainable Grocery Shopping Small & Local Blog reusable produce bag image

Sustainability is one of the most important issues that the world faces today. As our use of plastics increases to astronomical amounts, we are observing how our harmful use of […]

Our Top 5 March Break Activities for 2022

Small & Local Blog Top 5 March Break Activities for 2022 featured image

Nine whole days of March Break activities… fun for the whooooole family. Yes, it’s that special time of year again… and our third pandemic March Break. The kids are home, […]

Valentines Day Gifts for all of us — even you!

2022-01 Small and Local Valentines Advice Blog Featured Image

Valentines Day gifts: Asking for a friend Valentines Day is here again, and with it the PRESSURE to find perfect Valentines Day gifts. And, well, frankly to enjoy Valentines Day. […]

New year, but same old: Yes, this is hard.

2022-01 Small & Local Blog image

The new year is here. As I write this, it’s December 23rd and a new year is coming. Our New Year’s blog is due, but I keep putting off writing […]

More than local gifts: Holiday 2021 is all about YOU.

Small & Local Holiday Blog Local Gifts and Self-Care Dec 2021

You’re in for a treat this month. Why? Because in addition to plugging the many benefits of local gifts this festive season, I’m gonna get personal about my journey as […]

Local gifts. The perfect solution to supply chain anxiety.

Blog 2021-11 Supply Chain Black Friday Blog Featured image Small & Local

Worried about that pesky supply chain? Local gifts to the rescue! As yet another pandemic festive season barrels down upon us, our thoughts turn to making the hopes and dreams […]